jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012

Pickman's Model

Este ha sido un trabajo durillo! Pero si os digo la verdad, cuanto más me centraba en el más quería seguir adentrándome en su oscuridad y macabra figura!!! Espero que os guste, os quite el sueño y queráis verlo más y más!!!! Este es solo un pedazo de todo el terror que os voy a dar!!!! ;)

“El cuadro representaba un colosal e indescriptible monstruo de centelleantes ojos rojos, que tenía entre sus huesudas garras algo que debió haber sido un hombre, y le roía la cabeza como un chiquillo chupa un pirulí. Estaba en cuclillas, y al mirarle parecía como si en cualquier momento fuera a soltar su presa en busca de un bocado jugoso. Pero, maldición!, la causa de aquel pánico atroz no era ni mucho menos aquella diabólica figura, ni aquel rostro perruno de orejas puntiagudas, ojos inyectados en sangre, nariz chata y labios babeantes. No eran tampoco aquellas garras cubiertas de escamas, ni el cuerpo recubierto de moho, ni los pies semiungulados … no, no era nada de eso, aunque habría bastado cualquiera de tales notas para volver loco al hombre más pintado.”

El modelo Pickman, por H.P.Lovecraft

This one has been one I work hard! But if I you tell the truth, the more I was centring on it more I wanted entering his darkness and macabre figure!!! I hope that you like, do not leave you to sleep.
This one is alone a piece of the whole terror that I am going to give you!!!!;)

" The picture was representing a colossal and indescribable monster of gleaming red eyes, which had between his bony claws something that have should to have been a man, and was gnawing at the head as a little child it absorbs a lollipop. It was in squatting, and on having looked at him seemed as if at any time out to giving up his dam in search of a juicy morsel. But, curse!, the reason of that atrocious panic was not great less neither that diabolical figure, nor that canine face of sharp-pointed ears, eyes injected into blood, snub nose and driveling lips. They were neither those covered claws of scales, nor the body covered with mildew, nor the semiungulate feet … not, it was not anything of it, though there would have been enough any of such notes to turn madman the most sane man. "

Pickman's Model, by H.P.Lovecraft

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